Q. What is the language of the conference?
A. The official language of our conference is English. However, if Korean assistance is required, all staff members will be fluent in Korean.

Q. How are committee and country assignments made?
A. A committee and country assignment form will be sent to your email with the registration confirmation email.

Q. What is the maximum number of delegates and advisors allowed per school?
A. The maximum number of delegates each school can bring is set at 15 students. Spots will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you plan on bringing a larger delegation (somewhere close to 15), we recommend registering early or contacting us. The maximum number of advisors for each delegation is two. 

Q. Do MUN Directors need to be on the conference venue during the conference?
A. No. However, as a conference policy, a minimum of one adult chaperone (either advisor or parent) must be in Korea for the duration of the conference.

Q. Are Airport Transfers Provided?
A. While the fee is not included in our conference fee, our team will arrange airport transfers for both arrivals and departures for all foreign schools. We plan on collecting airport transfer requests in a separate logistics form after registration. The shuttle service cost along with other details about the conference will be included with that form.
Schools are also free to arrange their own transportation.

In this case, please plan on arriving at our venue either on the evening of the 13th or before the opening ceremony on the 14th. Additional options include our free shuttle from Seoul Station, Gangnam, and Seohyeon Station. While mainly catered towards domestic participants, we offer these on the morning of the 14th for arrivals and post closing ceremony on the 16th. Regardless, on the 13th and 14th, one of our team members will be at the airport to greet and guide all delegates and advisors.